Includes all information about places of tourism and culture in Indonesia

Gadang House, Padang The city of Padang as the capital of West Sumatra was one of the oldest cities on the west coast of the Indian Ocean.  When viewed from history, turned out to be a day older than the city of Padang on the day of Independence...
READ MORE - Padang City was once the Metropolitan City in the 17th century
JAKARTA Attractions Eagles enliven Ragunan Wildlife Park (TMR) at the end of a long weekend this time. Thousands of visitor attractions antuasias witnessed by a large circle in front of TMR Information Center.  Attractions begins a Bondol...
READ MORE - Attractions Eagles Add Lively Holidays in Ragunan
Selok Mount Selok are other places in Cilacap, Indonesia. which for some people a pleasant place to spend the holidays. Selok also provides three locations that can be enjoyed. Farms, mountains and coastal areas. This region is dealing directly...
READ MORE - Selok Mount, Cilacap, Indonesia
Designed and built by Nyoman Nuarta, one of Indonesia's foremost modern Sculptor, the Garuda Wisnu Kencana statue or GWK and Its pedestal building will be standing 150 meters tall with its wings span 64 meters across. Made from more than 4000...
READ MORE - Garuda Wisnu Kencana Cultural Park , Bali Indonesia
Rinjani Mounth Rinjani Mount is a mountain located on the island of Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. Mountain which is the second highest volcano in Indonesia with an altitude of 3726 m above sea level and located at a latitude of 8 º 25 'latitude and...
READ MORE - Rinjani Mount, Lombok Indonesia
Toba Lake General Info Location: North Sumatra Province, Indonesia Lake Type: Volcanic or Tectonic Length: 100 km width: 30 km In: 505 meters Additional Info Toba lake itself is a volcanic lake that occurs when a volcanic explosion at 69000-77000...
READ MORE - Lake Toba, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Kutai National Park (KNP) is one of the prime tourist attraction in East Kalimantan and could be the right choice.  Aside from being a tourism event, TNK also be used as research activities, camping, and nature education. KNP is the third national...
READ MORE - Kutai National Park (KNP), Indonesia
West Sumatra has different types of areas and attractions, both natural and historical tourism attractions. If your first time to explore Indonesia, at least there are some tourist attractions in West Sumatra who have visited. The following six...
READ MORE - Six Leading Tourist Attraction in West Sumatra, Indonesia